2. Mbagathi (1949-1951)

When Godfrey started his training in Mbagathi, he was a young man searching for purpose in his life.  He always said that he struggled with the idea of not being good enough. He envied his classmates in Mbarara High School for their better upbringing while he was raised in poverty.  This was a motivation to succeed in life on his own.

Uganda at that time was a protectorate of the British Empire, which was different from Kenya.  Kenya was a colony of the British Empire. By being a protectorate the British had recognized that indirect rule was their best option in Uganda because they found five Kingdoms already established with working governments and tax collection systems.  They settled in Entebbe as the government center and ruled through agreements with the different kings. The British therefore never took property and settled in the country like they did in neighboring Kenya.

At the time of Godfrey’s entry into Kenya there was strife as the Kenyan people started to struggle for their eventual independence from the British. The working society was divided along racial lines in Kenya.  The Post and Telecommunication Department had three levels of workers, the Caucasians, the Indians and the Africans.  So even in the training institution that Godfrey was enrolled in, the divisions were clear.  Being from Uganda where the divisions were not so blatant, he grew uncomfortable with the status quo and together with a few restless friends started a strike against the administration of the school.  The strike was forcefully stopped and fortunately for Godfrey he was not expelled unlike his friends. A story he relates is that he was posted in Entebbe for some training during his time at Mbagathi and his youthful ego was in full swing.  He was known as “prince” amongst the locals and he had some money and was a sharp dresser.  He had now become a chain smoker, wore a hat and had a carved walking stick.  A funny incident he recalls is one of his attempts at befriending a beautiful girl in Kitoro which almost ended up with a severe beating from her boyfriend, but he got out of it with his skillful speech.